Project „Violence? No, thanks!” is supported by EU through programme IPA 2010 – Supporting the efforts of CSOs for the prevention of violence among youth and children and fostering youth volunteering, co-financed by the Government of the Republic of Croatia, Office for Cooperation with NGOs and interim financed by National Foundation for Civil Society Development.

Implementation period: 18 months, form April 3, 2013 till October 3, 2014

The Applicant: PRONI Centre for Social Education

Partners: Centre for Social Welfare Sisak, Youth Peace Group Danube, Volunteer Centre Osijek and Coordination of Sisak Youth Associations

Location(s) of the action: Sisak-Moslavina County (SMC), Vukovar-Srijem County (VSC) and Osijek-Baranja County (OBC)

Target group: 90 young people (60 secondary school pupils and 30 NGO activists)  from SMC, VSC and OBC

Overall objective: To increase contribution of civil society actors in the process of implementation of youth violence prevention through partnership between public and civil society sector, youth and volunteering policies promotion

Specific objective: To contribute to violence prevention among youth, through implemented tailor made awareness raising education activities, youth active participation in creative activism and voluntarism, youth conference and promotion campaign by improved and fostered cooperation between CSOs and public entities in SMC, OBC and VSC.

Estimated results:

  1. Increased level of youth awareness and knowledge to recognize and prevent violence, due to ensured access to non-formal education activities
  2. Increased level of youth activism through created and implemented innovative non-formal educational and creative methodology on values and benefits of active citizenship, voluntary work and youth participation
  3. Encouraged youth active participation in the society and implementation of violence programs prevention due to systematic cross-sector support and cooperation
  4. Increased public awareness on local level on abuse and violence among youth as well as positive values promoted

Main activities:

  1. Education activities in secondary schools and CSOs
  2. Direct assistance actions to youth through: Voluntarism, Multimedia Youth Activism, Culture and Art
  3. Youth Conference “Violence? No thanks!”
  4. Public Campaign “Violence? No thanks!”;

Total Action cost: 177.110,25 EUR

EU contribution: 158.974,16 EUR – 89,76%